Sunday, February 26, 2012

Attack of das Lit Hipsters

     You know how whenever a book goes viral, there's always that one obnoxious group of people that has to get all hipster about things? They read the book earlier than most and then are under the misconception that they somehow own the book. Anyone who read the book as much as a week later than them is inferior and not allowed to love the book (and all affiliated media) as much as them.
     I read the first Hunger Games book in November or December, and I didn't finish until fairly recently. I read them partly out of own interest, and mainly because my cousins had read them and needed me to do so as well. Needless to say, I loved the books and I now find myself quietly stalking merchandise as my birthday approaches. I'm not going to even pretend that I was the first to read this series, or that I somehow read them before they were mainstream, but I do love the books.
    Now that's all good and peachy, but it appears that that doesn't go over well with some. There's a group of girls in my school who I guess must have read the books pretty early on, and in anticipation of the movies have had nothing but "OMG, I ♥ Peeta" and "X days until the movie" as their Facebook statuses. Whenever anyone else even subtly references the books they insist on mentioning how long ago they read the books before they were so popular and how there are so many posers.
     It is this kind of stuff that makes me crazy. We live in a day and age where there are a lot of people who don't read that much, and any book of this popularity rightfully should be praised. If a book you love starts being loved by everyone, you should find this the perfect opportunity to revel in this with people you don't know as well or don't talk to as much. On that same note, even when the people who make you want to think silly things like, "Grrrr, well Katniss would like me better anyhow." start loving the books, then you should still be happy because at least they have the common sense to recognize something that is awesome.
     Pretty much, my bottom line is don't be a Lit hipster because when you do that, you ruin one of the best things about books: they bring people together.

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