Saturday, April 28, 2012

Owl Motif

Crocheted this little owl motif (what a funny word, motif) while I had some spare time. Did it from the top of my head, and it actually turned out okay. Surprise. I think I'm going to use it as a bookmark.

Naming Water Bottles

A memory came to me the other day. When I was a freshman I got my best friend a panda-shaped water bottle for her birthday. Why... I honestly don't remember. But what I do remember is that my other friend and I spent the rest of the evening naming the panda water bottle after awesome kids that we had met so far in high school. Three junior guys in specific. The best part probably that one or two of these guys probably didn't even know who we were.
So whenever you're down and feel alone, just remember, someone could be naming a water bottle after you right now!